Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Partridge Creek Gun Club's Young Guns Started Their 4-H/SCTP Season With a Bang!!

The Partridge Creek Gun Club's Young Guns started their 4-H/SCTP season with a Bang!! The Super Sporting match was held at Back Woods Quail Club in Hemingway, SC. It was a single course, so Rookies to Senior Varsity all shot the same targets. Kid you not, this was a very challenging course.

Robert, Mack, and Evelyn took 2nd place with a 196 out of 300 in the Intermediate Advanced division. Robert also placed 2nd for HOA with a 74. Evelyn, our newest lady to Young Guns, took 1st place HOA in Intermediate Advanced Ladies with a 69 out of 100.

Partridge Creek's Young Guns newest members Noah and Landon, brought their A-game. They competed in the Intermediate Entry division as a two-man squad and took a solid 3rd place with a 116. Both of these young men have only practiced twice before their first-ever match.

If you see these Young Guns around the fields, stop by and congratulate them. This is going to be a great year for Partridge Creek Young Guns!!

Image may contain: 3 people, including Rob A. Dudley and Russ N Karen Morris, people smiling, people standing and shoes
Robert, Mack, and Evelyn

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