Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Partridge Creek Young Guns Place 2nd in First Ever Super Sporting Event

November 10, 2018

Mack Morris, Wade Sams, and Robert Dudley competed in the Super Sporting event at Back Woods Quail Club in Hemmingway, SC. It was the first tournament of it's kind for 4-H and SCTP. The team placed 2nd in the Intermediate Advanced division with a team score of 188/300. Wade Sams also placed 3rd in the Intermediate Entry level after two shoot-offs. Mack is the son of Russ and Karen Morris of Dorchester. Wade is the son of Justin and Kathryn Sams of Summerville. Robert is the son of Rob and Stephanie Dudley of Summerville. All three attend Pinewood Prep and have been shooting for 2+ years. Congratulations and good shooting!